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Executive Secretary

  1. Introduction to the BioGuinea Foundation (FBG)

The BioGuinea Foundation (FBG) is a charity established in 2011 and registered under the laws of England and Wales. FBG is a not-for-profit and independent conservation trust fund dedicated to Guinea Bissau (GB). It is governed by a Board of Trustees (Board), supported by an operational in-country team headed by an Executive Secretary (ES). In accordance with UK charity law, oversight is provided by an independent Board of Trustees. Other advisory structures include an Investment Committee, reporting directly to the Board, as well as a Donors’ Circle, comprised of FBG financing partners.

As per its Articles of Incorporation, the objects of the FBG are:

  • To promote for the benefit of the public, the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment and biodiversity of Guinea-Bissau, with priority focus on Guinea-Bissau’s national system of protected areas.
  • To promote, for the benefit of the public, sustainable development that supports the conservation of biodiversity in Guinea-Bissau in particular the protected areas and/or other areas of significant ecological conservation and/or biological importance including:
  1. The preservation, conservation and the protection of the environment and the sustainable use of natural resources; and
  2. The relief of poverty and the improvement of the conditions of life for the benefit of populations living in and around protected areas and other areas of significant ecological conservation and/or biological importance, and
  3. To advance the education of the public on environmental issues including the biodiversity, conservation, sustainability and management of Guinea-Bissau’s protected areas and/or other areas of significant ecological conservation and/or biological importance.

The Foundation works closely with the Institute for Biodiversity and Protected Areas-Dr Alfredo Simao Da Silva of Guinea-Bissau (IBAP): it provides financial and technical support to IBAP operations, its parks’ conservation activities as well as for sustainable development activities for communities living within and around the parks.

The Foundation started its pilot grant-making operations for the benefit of two parks (National Park of Orango Islands and Community Marine Protected Area of Urok) and their resident communities in 2019. In addition to the development of the REDD+ Community Based Avoided Deforestation (CBAD) project, which covers two other protected areas (National Park of Cacheu and National Park of Cantanhez), the FBG has extended its support to IBAP through the co-financing of the Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA+) project, funded mainly by the European Union.

It is expected that the volume of FBG grants will increase significantly from 2023 on with the start of the World Bank financed WACA Resilience Investment Project 2 and the PRCM/Blue Action Fund Small Grants, to run from 2023 to 2027.

  1. Lines of authority

The Executive Secretary reports directly to the FBG Board, represented by its Chair.

  1. General responsibilities

The ES is the link between the governance bodies (strategy) of the FBG and its In-country team (operations). This includes regular work with the General Assembly, the Board of Trustees, the Investment Committee, and the Donors’ Circle. In this sense, the ES prepares meeting documents and information as well as the minutes of the meetings, maintaining and updating a register of official Board documents in an electronic file;

The ES provides overall leadership to the In-country team towards agreed targets. S/he ensures the day-to-day management, quality review and supervision of the implementation of the strategic plan, fund raising plan, annual work plans and budgets. In this respectthe ES signs contracts on behalf of the FBG, such as consultancy contracts, leases, tax declarations, grant agreements (as delegated by the Board), applications for registration of written documents on behalf of the FBG in the UK, Guinea-Bissau or any other place decided by the Board. The same applies to all banking documents when authorised by Board and in full compliance with the governance procedures and documents.

The ES is also responsible for ensuring the FBG’s regulatory compliance, including submitting the information and reporting requirements to the authorities in the UK (through the Companies House and the Charity Commission).

The ES represents and promotes the interests of the FBG to the Government of Guinea-Bissau, IBAP, local and international non-governmental organisations, financial and technical partners (multilateral and bilateral cooperation institutions), private foundations, networks of conservation foundations worldwide (e.g., Consortium African des Fonds pour l’Environnement-CAFÉ, RedLAC, A Pan-African Conservation Trust-APACT).

Finally, the ES ensures that the FBG develops robust internal systems and capacities in the face of changing and challenging contexts.

  1. Specific responsibilities
    1. Strategic leadership
  • Lead the preparation and implementation of multi-year strategic plans that reflect the institutional, programmatic and financial ambitions of the Foundation in accordance with good management practices and evolving national and international contexts;
  • Ensure that the FBG’s funding programme is well documented and updated to remain always relevant to Guinea-Bissau’s environmental, social and economic challenges, developments and needs;
  • Provide strategic leadership to the staff of the In-country team to reflect Board guidance and orientations;
  • Ensure an active and visible presence of FBG in Guinea Bissau, and at regional and international levels;
  • Lead in building strategic alliances and represent the FBG in strategic forums, networks and public spaces to advance FBG’s mission and objectives;
  • Contribute to the national dialogue and to the development of the different relevant national strategies related to biodiversity conservation and sustainable natural resources management.
  1. Financial resource mobilization
  • Lead, in collaboration with partners such as IBAP, with possible support from consultants, the preparation of the fundraising strategy and its updates;
  • Lead the implementation of the fundraising strategy to ensure the mobilization of adequate resources to sustain the Foundation’s operations, and to expand its grant making capacity, including through the endowment of the capital over the long-term;
  • Monitor and assess the implementation of the fundraising strategy, to adapt it as necessary;
  • Identify and explore opportunities for new financial support and programmes with local, national and international government and non-governmental parties, including opportunities for generating resources from innovative mechanisms;
  • Provide technical support to the other relevant institutions in Guinea-Bissau to develop and implement innovative financial instruments;
  • Establish and maintain a strong relationship with donors (current and future), leading grant proposal development and submission, and negotiating terms of grant agreements.
  1. Liaison with the Board and other governance bodies
  • Ensure effective support to the governance bodies: Board, General Assembly and Donors’ Circle, including the Investment Committee and others, as appropriate;
  • Serve as Secretary to the Board, with regular communications with the Chair; prepare Board meetings material and information as well as the minutes of meetings, keeping and updating a register of the official documents of the Board in an electronic file;
  • Draft and/or revise and provide input and recommendations for Board reports and documents, verifying accuracy of information in the documentation;
  • Update the Board on implementation progress vis-a-vis strategic plans, fundraising, annual workplans and budgets, operational and human resources issues as well as on grant giving and impact;
  • Oversee the implementation of the Board’s decisions;
  • Support and participate in specific committees established by the Board, as appropriate;
  • Work with the Investment Committee Chair to ensure smooth flow of information between the FBG and its Investment Manager;
  • Regularly inform the Donors’ Circle and General Assembly on FBG’s strategies and progress;
  • Act as the Secretary of the Donors’ Circle, supporting the President, prepare meetings material as well as the minutes of meetings;
  • Ensure information on Board and General Assembly members is maintained current with UK authorities.
  1. Management of the In-country team
  • Lead the preparation, implementation and monitoring of the FBG’s annual work plans and budgets, including for specific projects, and ensure the preparation and the quality of the related reports;
  • Direct FBG activities in accordance with sound management practices, strategic plans, policies and donors’ requirements;
  • Review FBG’s policies instruments, update and/or supplement as appropriate;
  • Ensure quality of all FBG’s activities and products;
  • Lead the human resources management, including recruitment, staff supervision and performance evaluation; and in this regard, and encourage shared leadership and team building, promoting accountability and excellence through capacity building programmes;
  • Manage the In-country team, including the extended team of consultants as appropriate;
  • Ensure quality of Terms of reference and delivery of products and services.
  1. Fiduciary management and control
  • Ensure the establishment/implementation of a sound financial management system for the effective and efficient resources utilization;
  • Review work plans and budgets ensuring efficiency, cost control and compliance with policies and procedures, as well as donors’ requirements;
  • Supervise preparation and maintenance of financial records and accounts, including an annual auditing process carried out in the 1st semester of the year;
  • Prepare the annual Trustees Report and Financial Statement and ensure on time filing with UK authorities’ platforms (Charity Commission and Companies House);
  • Supervise procurement processes and sign contracts on behalf of the FBG, whenever authorized by the Board.
  1. Grants programme management
  • Together with the In-country team,
    • design and implement grant programmes in lines with the objects of the FBG, including preparing and launching calls for proposals in compliance with FBG and donors’ procedures,
    • ensure that applicants and grantees receive appropriate training and support regarding FBG procedures and requirements,
    • design and implement grant communications.
  • Support the operation of the Grant Committee, including in the evaluation of grant proposals in accordance with the provisions of the Grant Manual;
  • Oversee grants administration, ensuring grantees submit financial and technical reports, assessing and approving transfer of funds to grantees;
  • Oversee the implementation of the FBG’s environment and social risk management policies;
  • Oversee monitoring and evaluation of grant portfolio, including evaluation of impact/results on the ground;
  • Organize grant programme evaluation and learning approach to ensure that FBG grant programmes and procedures are continuously improved and relevant;
  1. Profile
  • A Master’s Degree (or equivalent or superior) in development studies, business management or economics, natural resources, environment management or related discipline;
  • Minimum of 10 years’ experience in leadership position;
  • Experience in strategic planning and organization development;
  • Demonstrated organizational and management experience in administering staff, developing and implementing a detailed budget and other resources (from donors or partners);
  • Demonstrated skill, experience and success in fundraising (including proposal preparation) with an emphasis on international cooperation;
  • Relevant experience in the environment/biodiversity conservation and/or sustainable development sector;
  • Experience and in-depth understanding of programme/project development and delivery;
  • Experience with Foundations or Trust Funds or Charity activities;
  • Experience of managing relationships with donors, government and non-government actors.
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills and confidence to represent FBG at public event, media and donor for a;
  • Excellent financial management and problem-solving skills;
  • Strong English and Portuguese and/or French writing and speaking abilities, with knowledge of 3 languages a plus.

The candidate is expected to be autonomous, proactive, dynamic, curious, with a strong capacity to adapt to different contexts and make sound judgment in uncertain and pressurized situations.

  1. Location

The majority of the responsibilities will be performed in Guinea Bissau, so the ES should spend the majority of his/her time in Bissau

  1. How to Apply

To apply please Email your detailed CV, a signed cover letter with contacts of three (3) references and certified copies of relevant diplomas and certificates to and, by July 24th, 2023.