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The Cuntabane-Quebo Ecological Corridor, covers over 550 km2, of the Corubal river basin, and shelters several rare plant species (Combretum glutinosum, Ficus sp., Parinari excelsa, Zanthoxylum leprieurii, Erythrina senegalensis,). Among the most characteristic tree or shrub species are the Borassus plam, known locally as cibe on the deeper soils, pó-de-osso (Segalese coraltree), badodosso (Guiera senegalensis), fará (Piliostigma thonningii), orelha-de-rato (Strychnos spinosa) and macete (Terminalia macroptera). Cibe is cited as one of the most important species for the people of the corridor, who use almost the entire tree for both building houses and for handicrafts.